Advanced PHP Development Courses at Future Finders, Mohali
The PHP Online certification training course syllabus is developed by the working professionals of Besant Technologies, who stay focused on the latest PHP trends and technologies. This PHP course will you earn a glorious certificate and get a job in this field.
The PHP Certification Training Course is a thorough training course that aids the individual in acquiring the abilities necessary to land their ideal position as a PHP developer.
The Future Finders PHP training certification aids the applicant in gaining a grasp of fundamental to sophisticated ideas in PHP-based dynamic web development, including loops, error handling, data structures, arrays, and basic PHP syntax. Our PHP training course covers a variety of advanced PHP topics, such as dealing with PHP application security and APIs, interacting with social networks, and integrating with databases.

The PHP training course certification is designed with the best structure and has some crucial modules that list the many PHP principles. The PHP online training programme also aids the individual in becoming proficient in Code Igniter, MySQL databases, and PHP data objects. Important PHP topics like Switch, PHP functions, PHP strings, operators, PHP loops, database management, and more are covered in the PHP certification programme.
Students who complete Future Finders’ PHP online training course will receive a certificate of completion, which will enhance their resumes. PHP developers get an average pay of INR 289,292 per year, according to Each of our instructors is a practising professional with knowledge of PHP and other pertinent topics.
The syllabus for the PHP Online certification training course was created by Future Finders’ working experts, who keep up with the most recent PHP developments and technology. The PHP online training programme is designed in a way that will assist the individual in passing both the PHP certification exam and any job interviews.
The Future Finders PHP online course covers fundamental PHP ideas, its techniques, and more through practical methods, on-the-job projects, exercises, examples, and business situations. Candidates can learn about control flow structure, array functions, built-in file systems, using MySQL functions to interact with a database, PHP structural elements organising code to the reusable services, sessions, cascading style sheets, JavaScript, State management, cookies, and more through the PHP online course training.
The PHP certification training course helps the learner to become proficient in both the PHP programming language and the MySQL database management system. Numerous real-time tasks including PHP data types, web interface, functions, MySQL server, client, script syntax, and database objects will be given to the applicant.
Why PHP?
You need to put in the time and learn PHP from a reputable college if you want to become a great web developer. It is a very basic language that works with almost every operating system, including Windows, Linux, MAC, and others. The best aspect is that even if you aren’t a coder, you can simply and quickly pick up this language with no issues. Simple HTML elements are used to simply incorporate PHP instructions. To produce interactive web pages of the highest calibre, PHP instructions are carried out on the server.
Why Select Us?
Website design and development training is offered by Future Finders Technologies in Mohali. Future Finders is not an institution alone. A Pho Development Company, that is. Numerous applicants whom we’ve educated have been effectively placed in a variety of businesses. Future Finders offers training on the projects of our clients. We also support students following training by providing a 6-month experience letter once these projects are finished to make it easier for them to get employment.
Why Choose Future Finders for PHP Training?

At Future Finders, we believe in providing the best learning experience to our students. Here’s why you should choose us for PHP training in Mohali:
Experienced Trainers: Our trainers are experienced professionals who have worked on several real-world projects. They have a deep understanding of the latest web development trends and techniques, and are equipped to provide you with the guidance and support you need to excel.
Hands-on Training: Our PHP training program is designed to be hands-on and interactive. You will have access to our state-of-the-art labs and learning resources, which will help you gain practical experience in web development.
Flexible Learning Options: We understand that everyone’s schedule is different, which is why we offer flexible learning options. You can choose to learn online or in-person, depending on your preference and availability.
Placement Assistance: Our PHP training program is designed to prepare you for the industry. We provide placement assistance to our students, which means that we connect you with potential employers and help you secure job interviews.
What Will You Learn in Our PHP Training Program?
Our PHP training program is designed to cover all the essential topics that you need to know to become a skilled web developer. Here’s a brief overview of what you will learn:
- Introduction to PHP and its features
- Control Structures, Loops, and Functions
- Arrays and Strings
- PHP Forms and File Handling
- Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in PHP
- MySQL Database Management and Integration with PHP
- Security in PHP Applications

Future Finders for the Best PHP Training in Mohali!
If you’re looking for the best PHP training in Mohali, then Future Finders is your go-to destination. We offer a comprehensive PHP training program designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in web development. Enroll now and take the first step towards a successful career in web development.
Learn server-side scripting and dynamic web development with PHP, from basics to advanced projects.
PHP Course
The preferred markup language for texts intended to be viewed in a web browser is HTML or HyperText Markup Language. Technologies like Cascading Style Sheets and programming languages like JavaScript can help.
Cascading Style Sheets is a language for creating style sheets that describe how a document is presented in a markup language, such as HTML or XML. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a key component of the World Wide Web.
WordPress is a PHP-based, open-source content management system that works with either a MariaDB or a MySQL database.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared toward web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. The PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group
MySQL is a mix of "SQL," the acronym for a structured query language, and the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter.
java script
Javascript is one of the most fundamental elements of the world wide web.98% of websites will employ JavaScript on the client side as of 2022 to control how web pages behave, frequently integrating third-party libraries.
jQuery is a JavaScript library created to make event handling, CSS animation, Ajax, and DOM tree navigation and manipulation easier.
PHP Course
- Introduction to Full Stack.
- Understanding the Web and HTTP
- Overview of frontend and Backend.
- Introduction to full Stack using PHP as Backend and DB as MySql
- HTML Basics: Elements (Block Level Elements and Inline Elements) Attributes, and Tags
- HTML Forms, Tables, Lists, and Semantic Tags
- CSS: Types of CSS, CSS Selectors, CSS Properties and Values
- CSS Box Model, Flexbox, and Grid Layout
- CSS Transformation Properties, Transition Properties
- CSS Animations Offline and Online Animation
- Responsive Web Design with Media Queries
HTML and CSS Framework-
- Bootstrap
- Tailwind
- JavaScript Syntax, ways to embed JS with html and Variables
- Data Types and Operators
- Control Structures: Conditional Statements, Looping Statement, Branching Statements
- Functions (Regular way of creating a function and Arrow Functions) and Scope of Function
- Manipulations on the Strings using String Methods
- Manipulations on the Array using Array Methods
- Dom Manipulation Basic Selectors, Query Selectors
- Events: Types of events, ways to embed events on html elements
- Creating Object of the predefined Methods, Manipulation with objects
- ES6 Features: Arrow Functions, Spread Operator, Destructuring
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await
- Working with APIs (AJAX, Fetch API)
- JavaScript Modules and Import/Export, Error Handling with Try Catch Exception handling Methods
- Local Storage, SessionStorage, and Cookies
- Introduction to PHP
- Setting up a PHP development Environment
- PHP Syntax, Variables and data type
- PHP control Structure: Conditional statements, loop and branching
- Functions in PHP: Defining and Calling function, php arrow functions, Anonymous recursive function
- PHP Array and array Functions in PHP
- PHP string functions, PHP math Functions
- PHP functions like: Map Function, Stack Function, Queue Function, Priority Queue Function, Deque Function, Vector Function
- PHP DOM(Document Object Model) Function
- Passing Arguments and Return values
- Understanding form handling GET and POST methods
- Validating user inputs
- Understanding the working with files reading and writing into files file uploads using PHP filesystem Function
- Understanding session and cookies, superglobals
- http GET and POST methods in PHP
- Regular Expressions, date and time, php include and require, understand and implements callback in php
- PHP OOP’s: PHP classes, PHP Constructors and Destructors, Access Specifiers
- PHP constants, PHP interface, static functions in PHP, PHP namespace
MYSQL Database-
- Introduction to MySQL Database
- Installing and setup the MySQL Database
- Server installation and setup: XAMPP, LAMP, WAMP
- Understanding the server and clients Relationship
- Understanding the SQL, SQL commands, ACID properties
- Install and setup MySQL Workbench: working on the mysql workbench perform CRUD operations
- Creating MySQL Database
- Creating connection to MySQL server from PHP script using MYSQLi
- Understanding the CRUD operations
- Implements CRUD operation on the database relation
- Understanding the constraints, data aggregation on the relations inside the database
- MySQL Limit Clause, PHP Queries- Select Query, Delete Query, Where Clause, Update Query
Start with HTML
For creating adaptable, beautiful, and user-friendly websites, HTML and CSS work together seamlessly. While CSS is used to present the website, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is utilised to display content on the page. HTML is a mark-up language, not a programming language, as it explains the semantic structure of a Website together with display cues. HTML enables the embedding of objects and pictures, and it may be used to develop interactive forms.
- HTML5 Syllabus:-
- Architecture of a website
- Different technologies in making the website
- Web Development Introduction
- History of HTML
- What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page
- What are HTML Tags and Attributes?
- HTML Tag vs. Element
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Basic Tags
- HTML Formatting Tags
- HTML Color Coding
- Div and Span Tags for Grouping
- Unordered Lists
- Ordered Lists
- Definition list
- Image and Image Mapping
- URL – Uniform Resource Locator
- URL Encoding
- < table >
- < th >
- < tr >
- < td >
- < caption >
- < thead >
- < tbody >
- < tfoot >
- < colgroup >
- < col >
- Using Iframe as the Target
- < input >
- < textarea >
- < button >
- < select >
- < label >
- Title
- Base
- Link
- Styles
- Script
- Meta
- HTML Meta Tag
- HTML Deprecated Tags & Attributes
Why Learn CSS?
Without CSS, every web page would be drab plain text and images that flowed straight down the page. With CSS, you can add color and background images and change the layout of your page — your web pages can feel like works of art!
Take-Away Skills:
You will learn many aspects of styling web pages! You’ll be able to set up the correct file structure, edit text and colors, and create attractive layouts. With these skills, you’ll be able to customize the appearance of your web pages to suit your every need!
- CSS Syllabus:-
- What is CSS?
- How CSS Works?
- Types of CSS,Internal,Inline,External
- CSS Selectors
- Comments In CSS
- How to Link External CSS
- Selectors : Class or Elements
- Colors
- Height / Width
- Border
- Margin and Padding
- CSS Box Model
- Aligning Div
- Two Div Align
- Three Div Align
- Four Div Align
- Use of floats
- Clearing float
- Inline or Block Element
- Background Color
- Background Image
- Background Position
- Background Attachment
- Gradient Colors
- Image Sprite
- Text Alignments
- Line height(Leading)
- Letter Spacing(Kerning)
- Font Family
- Font Size with Font Weight
- Tips For Improving Text Readability
- Use of Font Awesome
- Use of Flat Icons
- Use of Google Fonts
- Static Position
- Fixed Position
- Absolute Position
- Relative Position
- Creating Menu
- Menu With Multi Dropdown
- Border
- Border Image
- Rounded Corner
- Box Shadow
- Text Shadow
- Outline
- Outline Offset
- Resize
- Object Fit : Fill
- Object Fit : Contain
- Object Fit : Cover
- labels with inputs
- Form-based selectors
- Changing properties of form elements
- Formatting text in forms
- Formatting inputs
- Formatting form areas
- Changing the appearance of buttons
- Laying out forms
- translate
- rotate
- skew
- scale
- Hover Effects
- Transitions
- Animations
- Creating Web Ads Using Animation
- Where does Java Script Fit in?
- Comparing Products
- Comparing Java Script to Java
- The Purpose of Java Script
- Prerequisites
- Using Java Script in an HTML Document
- Hiding Java Script from old Web Browsers
- Text Formatting & Layout
- Hypertext Links & Anchors
- Tables
- Forms
- Frames
- Basic Commands
- Overview of Variables
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Concatenating String Variables
- Creating & Calling Function
- Sending Parameters to a Function
- Receiving Parameters out of a function
- Variable scope & Lifetime
- Functions Called by Events
- If Structure
- If Else Structure
- For Loop
- While Loop
- For/in Structure
- Unary Operators
- Numeric Operators
- Logical Operators
- Length
- Converting to all Upper or Lower Case
- Index of
- Last Index of
- Char At
- Standard Java Script Functions
- Creating an Object
- Adding Functions to an Object
- Multiple Instances of an Object type
- Accessing the History Object
- Creating Buttons
- Go Method
- Creating a Date Object
- Setting the Date & Time by a Single String
- Separating Variables with Commas
- Displaying the Date & Time
- Time Zones
- Extracting the Date
- Extracting the Hrs
- Set Date Method
- Set Time
- Non-Data Object Functions
- Creating an Array
- For Loop
- Time Status
- Buttons
- Loading a Web Page from the Clients Hard Drive
- Receiving a Document off the Web Server
- Anchors & Hypertext Links
- Tracking the on Click Event
- Button Objects
- Text Objects
- Text Area Objects
- Hidden Objects
- Check Box Objects
- Radio Button Objects
- Selecting Objects
- On Change Events
- The Cookie Property
- Setting the Cookie Property
- GetCookie()
- SetCookie()
- DeleteCookie()
- Scope
- Lifetime
- Static Calendar
- Dynamic Calendar
- Functions for Up-Dating the Calendar
- Assigning Values to the Dates of the Month
Math Object
- Constants
- Circumference Calculator Application
- Functions
- Referencing Objects in Other Frame
- Event Calendar
Shopping Cart Application
- Order Entry on the Web
- Looking at the Parent Object
- Creating an Array of Objects
- Ordernow Function
- Order Form
Form Validation
- Trapping Empty Fields
- Finding Invalid Values
- Intercepting the Submit Button
Using Java Applets
- Integrating Java Applets with HTML
Course Content Covered in JQuery Training Course
- The mobile space today
- Advantages
- Challenges
- Native vs. web, is really a question?
- What is JQM?
- What is not jQM?
- What is a webapp?
- Why jQM?
- Features
- Compatibility
- Requirements
- HTML5 in a small nutshell
- Why HTML5?
- What do we need to know about HTML5 for jQM
- Basic template
- Testing HTML5 documents
- Emulators, Simulators & more
- Viewports on mobile browsers
- Custom data-* attributes
- Architecture
- Self hosted vs. CDNs
- Main template
- CDNs available
- Main template
- Support on IDEs
- Roles
- Theming
- Headers and footers basics
- Mandatory items in a page
- Working with HTML in the content
- Navigation
- Internal page navigation
- External page navigation
- Understanding AJAX on mobile browsers
- Absolute external links
- Mobile Special links
- Transitions
- Dialogs
- Prefetching
- Integration with the Phone
- Customizing toolbars
- Positioning toolbars
- Navigation Bars
- Persistent footers and navigation
- Collapsible content
- Acoordions
- Working with columns
- Creating buttons
- Inline buttons
- Grouped buttons
- Icons
- Custom icons
- Creating lists
- Full-page vs inset-lists
- Visual separators
- Nested lists
- Interactive rows
- Split button rows
- Row icons
- Thumbnails
- Count bubbles
- Aside content
- Title and Description
- Filtering data
- AJAX vs. non-AJAX forms
- Automatic form behaviour
- Labeling
- Field containers
- Text fields
- Slider
- Slider switch
- Select menus
- UI Select menus
- Radio Buttons
- Checkboxes
- File Upload
- Validation using HTML5
The framework and JavaScript
- Using jQuery inside jQuery Mobile
- $.mobile element
- The mobileinit event
- Configuring defaults
- Touch events
- Orientation events
- Scroll events
- Page events
- Virtual mouse events
- Managing navigation through JavaScript
Dynamic data with jQuery Mobile
- Bringing JSON data to jQuery Mobile
- Updating form controls
- Updating lists
- Implementing Infinite list pattern
Extending the framework
- Using plugins
- The top 5 plugins for jQuery Mobile
- Creating our own plugin
- Plugin architecture
- Understanding CSS architecture
- Define our own CSS patch
- Changing CSS behavior
Managing data with HTML5
- Using Web Storage and WebSQL
- Using geolocation
Packaging for installation and stores
- The offline manifest
- Full-screen webapps for iOS
- What is a hybrid
- PhoneGap vs other alternatives
Packaging a sample application
Course Content Covered in PHP Training Course
- Quick Start for Programmers
- PHP Language Overview
- Variables, Datatypes, Operators
- Escaping Special Characters
- Conditional Statement
- Conditionals
- If Statement
- Switch Statement
- Loops
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Foreach Loop
- Loop Control (break and continue)
- Nested Loops
- Function Definition
- Function Scope
- Arguments and Return Values
- Indexed Versus Associative Arrays
- Identifying Elements of an Array
- Storing Data in Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Extracting Multiple Values
- Converting Between Arrays and Variables
- Traversing Arrays
- Sorting
- Acting on Entire Arrays
- Using Arrays
Form with Php
- Form Processing
- Review of HTML Forms (check boxes, text fields, radio buttons)
- Retrieving Form Data
- The GET and POST method
- Submitting to Itself
Regular Expression
- Validating User Input with Regular Expressions
- Intro to Regular Expression Metacharacters
- Verifying Email Addresses, ZIP code, Phone Numbers, Credit Cards
- PCRE Functions
- Quoting String Constants
- Printing Strings
- Table of Contents
- Accessing Individual Characters
- Cleaning Strings
- Encoding and Escaping
- Comparing Strings
- Manipulating and Searching Strings
- Regular Expressions
- POSIX-Style Regular Expressions
- Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions
- File Handling
- Files and Directories
- Read and Writing Files
- Working with Directories
- Working with CSV Files
- About File Permissions
- Introduction to SQL
- Connecting to the MYSQL
- Selecting a database
- Finding out about errors
- Adding data to a table
- Acquiring the value
- Finding the number of rows
- Inserting data
- Entering and updating data
- Executing multiple queries
- Ascending and Descending Sorts
- The WHERE Clause and Operator Symbols
- Checking for Equality
- Checking for Inequality
- Checking for Greater or Less Than
- Checking for NULL
- The WHERE Clause and Operator Words
- The BETWEEN Operator
- The IN Operator
- The LIKE Operator
- The NOT Operator
- Checking Multiple Conditions
- OR
- Order of Evaluation
- Sub queries, Joins and Unions
- Sub queries
- Joins
- Table Aliases
- Multi-table Joins
- Outer Joins
- Unions
- UNION Rules
- Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
- Managing Data
- The anatomy of a cookie
- Setting a cookie with PHP
- Deleting a cookie
- Creating session cookie
- Working with the query string
- Creating query string
why use MySQL
MySQL tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of MySQL. Our MySQL tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals.
MySQL is a relational database management system based on the Structured Query Language, which is the popular language for accessing and managing the records in the database. MySQL is open-source and free software under the GNU license. It is supported by Oracle Company.
Our MySQL tutorial includes all topics of MySQL database that provides for how to manage database and to manipulate data with the help of various SQL queries. These queries are: insert records, update records, delete records, select records, create tables, drop tables, etc. There are also given MySQL interview questions to help you better understand the MySQL database.
What is Database?
It is very important to understand the database before learning MySQL. A database is an application that stores the organized collection of records. It can be accessed and manage by the user very easily. It allows us to organize data into tables, rows, columns, and indexes to find the relevant information very quickly. Each database contains distinct API for performing database operations such as creating, managing, accessing, and searching the data it stores. Today, many databases available like MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc. In this section, we are going to focus on MySQL mainly.
WordPress Training Course
- Why CMS
- Advantages and Disadvantages of CMS
- com vs.
- Setting up WordPress in Local Server
- Setting up WordPress in Remote Server
- Upgrading WordPress
- Understanding FTP
- WordPress Admin
- Creating Users
- User Rights & Roles
- Free theme Vs Paid Theme
- Theme Selection Process
- Adding/installing Themes
- Changing Themes
- Preview & Activating Themes
- Installing widgets in sidebar
- Installing widgets in footer
- Creating menus
- Adding pages, posts, categories to menus
- Creating Sub-menus
- Deleting items from menu
- Installing plugins
- Activating Plugin & managing plugins
- Upgrading plugins
- Recommended Plugins
- Posts Vs Pages
- Adding Hyperlinks
- Playing with Media content
- Previewing and Editing Posts
- Previewing and Editing Pages
- Page Order
- Creating a post
- Adding Media files to content –images and videos
- Using Categories and Tags
- Creating Pages
- Page Hierarchy
- General settings
- Reading
- Media
- Writing settings
- Discussion
- Permalinks
- Enhancing WordPress Security

My Sqle
The relational database management system MySQL is free and open-source. The word "My" is a mix of "SQL," the acronym for a structured query language, and "My," the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter.

Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of model-view-controller (MVC) web applications.

Cake PHP
CakePHP is an open-source web framework. It follows the model–view–controller approach and is written in PHP.

CodeIgniter Php
CodeIgniter is an open-source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP.

Yii 2
Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework.

Zend Framework
Laminas Project is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 7 and licensed under the New BSD License.
Apply here
PHP Course Fee and Duration | |||
Track | Regular Track | Weekend Track | Fast Track |
Course Duration | 150 - 180 days | 28 Weekends | 90- 120 days |
Hours | 2 hours a day | 3 hours a day | 6+ hours a day |
Training Mode | Live Classroom | Live Classroom | Live Classroom |